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IoT - Room Tempearture

The goal of this project is to find the difference of the room’s temperature and humidity in different areas of the apartment. Temperature and humidity are collected by sensors which are located in different areas of the apartment. A server is needed to collect the data and store in a local database. The data will then be analysed.

Project can be split into 3 parts

Part 1 - Sensors

Breadboard Schematic Diagram shown below are set up to flash the ESP-01S module. Arduino IDE is used to upload the sketch and flash the ESP-01S module.

Breadboard Schematic

Technologies and Tools Used

Part 2 - Django REST API and Database

The REST API is designed for the ESP-01S module clients to send request to the server. The hosted server will be responsible to take the data from http request and store the data into the database.

Database Design from Draw.io database-design

Technologies and Tools Used

Part 3 - Guide to Deloy the Django + Gunicorn + Nginx in Ubuntu Server

Install Ubuntu Server and Enable SSH Setup Django + Gunicorn + Nginx in Ubuntu Server

Part 4 - Analytic Report

React Personal Portfolio

I reworked my personal website with React.js.

Technologies and Tools Used

Repo Link

Burger Ordering Reactjs Tutorial

I built a food ordering app with React.js.

Technologies and Tools Used


Movie Collection Website Backend Rest API

A node.js RESTful app is to serve as endpoint for the movie collection website.

Technologies and Tools Used


Movie Collection Website Frontend

A simple website that allows user to create, read, update and delete movie listing. I have worked on retrieving the user’s data from database using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). I implemented a simple responsive page for user login, signup and information update.

Technologies and Tool Used


Contour Transformation Machine Learning Art Project

I explored the Pix2pix and the Holistically-Nested Edge(HED) machine learning model to train the cat and tiger’s images.

Technologies and Tools Used


Repo Full Project Report

9 Bit Instruction Architeture Set

The goal of this project was to build a hardware stimulation to solve simple Math problems which include multiplication and long division. We designed a new set of assembly set using the accumulator method that handles the 9 bit instruction.

We designed the datapath and the control logic of the hardware with System Verilog module. SystemVerilog Modules were then implemented based on the diagram above. Each module was unit-tested individually to ensure that we got the correct output. Quartus was used to generate the schematic.


Technologies and Tools Used


MISP Processor with Coprocessor 1 project

I assisted in building a single clock cycle MIPS processor and Coprocessor 1, Floating Point Unit. I tested the output correctness with SystemVerilog testbench using Vivado.


Double Security Door and Latch

Our goal of this project was to create a prototype that uses RFID technology to unlock the door. Face tracking was experimented using matlab libraries. I worked on the door frame, latch, and hinge using the AutoCAD SolidWork.

Assembly Diagram

Solidwork Assembly

Final Report

FlashBack Music Android App

An Android App that plays popular music that’s being played around your location. I mainly worked on the UI of the android app. I created Unit tests and recorded test with UI Test Recorder for testing the correct behavior.

Valentine’s Day Circuit Mini project

A LED Heart Circuit. I learned to solder electronic components into a printed circuit board, programmed a microchip ATtiny44/45/84/85 using Arduino, and implemented function in arduino to generate some LED ligthing patterns.

Game Development - Phaser

Game Development using Phaser - HTML5 game engine framework. The goal of my work was to develop mini web games that aim for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Original Repo Link